Sarge has become an angel. Officially, at least. He was an angel on earth until yesterday, when he passed away at the age of 16. He has now officially begun his work as Doggie Angel, Elderbull Extrordinaire. In honor of Sarge, we are sharing this delightful video today. Sarge's family would be grateful if each person who watches it would share it with just one other person.
ELDERBULLS: The Movie (2011) from Animal Farm on Vimeo.
If you don't already know about the famous Sarge the Elderbull, we urge you to visit his blog page at
In short, Sarge, along with over 30 other dogs) was rescued at age 14 from an abusive home in PA. He was adopted five months later and began his richly deserved life of pampering and love. Beyond living the life he deserved, Sarge gave back. He became a certified therapy dog.Sarge provided love and support to humans in rehab and nursing homes and encouragement to children at libraries and in schools. This incredible senior was able to forgive humans completely and to give back in the most valuable way ever: with LOVE.
Sarge almost made it to 17. He will live on forever in so many people's hearts. But especially in Kim and Thad's, and in his furry siblings' hearts as well. We are holding his family so tight in our hearts and we wish to thank them for being Sarge's voice and for helping him to bring his lesson of love and forgiveness to the world. Kim wrote a piece on behalf of Sarge when he was still living. Enjoy and we hope you too will consider adopting an Elderbull:
I am old.
Time has taken away my strength. Gray fur covers muscles that used to bulge. Stubby nubs rest in gums that once housed white teeth. A silver muzzle casts a shadow on my broad jawline. Caloused skin covers old scars. Arthritic elbows offset my barrel-chested stance.
But do not pity me.
I am no longer defined by my physical self, so eyes that were once fearful now look at me with compassion.
I can no longer breed, so minds that were once greedy now look at me with indifference.
I can no longer fight, so hands that were once malevolent no longer seek to exploit me.
Do not pity me.
For I, as an Elderbull, have a unique role to play.
Though time has made me fragile and weak, time has also given me a gift to reach hearts and minds that were once frozen by fear or ill-will.
Until we see the day where no dog is judged his or her physical appearance, let us not underestimate the capacity for Elderbulls to tread where younger dogs cannot yet go.
Let us view our age not as a weakness, but as an opportunity.
Let us not underestimate the power of the Elderbull.
For even though we may need to be carried, we will plow the way for all dogs to be treated fairly.
Save a life. Open a heart. Change a culture. Adopt an Elderbull.
To learn more about why we are such advocates for this sadly misunderstood breed, and to learn the facts about pit bulls and the people who love them, we can recommend some terrific websites and resources. We feel that as with ANY dog, responsible human stewardship is absolutely essential. To learn more:
1 comment
I love this beautiful video,and I love old dogs. Thanks for sending it.